Comedy Shows in Ledgewood, New Jersey
Comedy shows brought to your home town
We take everyday spaces and transform them into intimate, BYOB comedy clubs.
No service fees, no drink minimums (99% of the time), no long drives, and absolutely NO amateur comedians.
Have a city-worthy night out, in your home town.
Don’t see a show near you?
We’d be happy to put one on… just REACH OUT TO US!
How it all works
Find a comedy show near you
Snag your exclusive tickets
Get ready to laugh
Show up and enjoy the ride!
Upcoming Comedy Shows in Your Area
What To Expect At A DTF Show
Maybe you’ve been to a comedy show, or even a comedy club. But you’ve never been to a show like this.
Comedy without the commute
Feel like you’ve got a manhattan comedy club in your backyard.
Shows in your neighborhood, eliminating parking hassles and traffic stress
Easy access to premium entertainment without disrupting your routine
Enjoy a full, fun night out without worrying about the long drive home
Surprise Laughs, Star Quality
Discover your next favorite comedian
We carefully curate each lineup to ensure non stop laughter
We keep our lineups a secret, but don’t worry, our booking process is stringent. If it isn’t DAMN FUNNY - it ain’t allowed on DTF.
Laugh your ass off OR YOUR MONEY BACK
We partner with local business and transform their spaces into spectacular comedy clubs
Up-close-and-personal comedy experience unlike traditional clubs
Each show offers a fresh, unique atmosphere
Big Laughs, Small Bill
99% of shows are BYOB to keep your night affordable
No hidden costs or mandatory drink minimums
Save on parking fees, tolls, and transportation costs
High-value entertainment without the big-city price tag
Our variety
of show types
We like to mix it up at DTF - keep things exciting for you. They’re all going to be special - but this is how we break it down.
These are our run-of-the-mill DTF shows. We transform every day spaces like gyms, barbershops, backyards, and art galleries into BEAUTIFUL comedy clubs. You'll have that feel like you went into the city, without having to drive into the city.
99% of the time, these are BYOB.No 2 drink minimums, paying for parking, sitting in traffic. Nope, just go to your local barbershop and get that "night-out" feel right in your home town.
Sometimes we'll partner with venues to put on big shows with comics you've seen all over the internet. We'll of course add our DTF flair to the showroom and ensure you have a once-in-a-lifetime experience with your favorite comedian.
These are usually not BYOB. WHY??Well, we pay the big comic with your ticket money and let the bar make theirs off drinks. Welcome to show business baby! We hope you enjoy the ride.
The entertainment industry is a fickle bch. It’s tough for hardworking comics to get their name out. So we’ve decided that we’re going to do everything we can to help. If you come to one of the tapings. You can expect it to be done up BIG!!! I mean really f*ckin big. We bring in a whole film crew and shoot 10 minute specials for 7, very funny comics who would benefit greatly from a little nudge. We produce, edit, and promote their content for free - just to give back to the people that make the genre so amazing.
Have a venue or organization? Would you like to put on a comedy show and bring your people together? Or maybe add revenue to your business?
We can spruce your place up and make it a night you'll never forget. Check out our services page.
Get in touch
Hosting a birthday? We’ll write your roast. Trying to host a roast? We’ve got you covered.
Maybe you just have questions about attending a show?
Feel free to fill this form out or simply email